Industrial heritage
The double-height entrance space enlarges the public space and creates a significant entrance situation. The large columns together with the carefully crafted ceilings and rear walls create a focal point in the public realm.
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Dublin Ireland
The facade's rhythm is composed of right triangular elements in anodized aluminum. By mirroring these elements we catch the light in different ways which give the facade its characteristic living expression. The double-height rhythm accentuates the elegant proportion of the facades and the entire building.
As the public realm is almost exclusively composed of street width the gesture of the building opening up its corners onto the public realm creates a widening of the public space for everyone using and not using the building.
The mature trees planted around the entrance reinforce the notion of a pause in and around the building. Inviting for informal meetings and a break.
While ARROW’s roots are set in Scandinavia, our outlook is global, sharing Scandinavian values with the rest of the world. We’re explorers, curious to discover what can be brought back home following the completion of global projects.